Blog of the Green Mage

This Blog is kind of an extension to my Youtube Page, and they pretty much go hand-in-hand. Here I post about what video game playthroughs I am currently doing and which ones I'm thinking about doing in the future, my thoughts on games I've played and gaming news, and maybe just what's been up with me lately.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Monster Hunter 3 (Tri) Playthrough

Posted by Gamree the Green Mage

Well, finally got my Monster Hunter 3 Playthrough underway. kind had some hitches uploading the vids to youtube, but they'll be up within a couple hours or so. They will all (hopefully) be viewable on youtube. However, to prevent any cluttering of mass posts on this blog concerning both updates on my Red Steel 2 Playthrough and my Monster Hunter 3 Playthrough, I will only be updating posts for my Red Steel 2 Playthrough here on the blog, at least for now. My Red Steel 2 Playthrough is lesser known, having been forced to upload it to Viddler, so to keep people up to date on it I will be focusing the update posts on those videos for now. You can view my first Monster Hunter 3 Playthrough video below, as well as view the playlist in my Video Playthrough List page. I have been extremely excited for this game, and I can't wait to start hunting monsters! Hope you guys enjoy!

Monster Hunter 3 (Tri) Youtube Playthrough List


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