Blog of the Green Mage

This Blog is kind of an extension to my Youtube Page, and they pretty much go hand-in-hand. Here I post about what video game playthroughs I am currently doing and which ones I'm thinking about doing in the future, my thoughts on games I've played and gaming news, and maybe just what's been up with me lately.

Video Playthrough List

GamreetheGreenMage's Youtube Channel

Currently Working On:
"The Triumvirate"

 - Red Steel 2 Playthrough Reboot (Blip.TV)
 - Amnesia: The Dark Descent Comment Playthrough (Youtube)

Let's Stream Skyrim

Future Video Playthroughs/Let's Take a Look @'s:*

  • Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers
  • Mass Effect 
  • Portal
  • Portal 2
  • The Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time
  • Muramasa: The Demon Blade
  • Dragon Age: Origin
  • Army of Two: The 40th Day (Co-op)
  • Unnamed Older-ish RPG-ish Game (say that ten times fast)

Completed Let's Take a Look @'s:

Completed Video Playthroughs:
*All Future LTaL@s and Playthroughs are subject to change.
