Blog of the Green Mage

This Blog is kind of an extension to my Youtube Page, and they pretty much go hand-in-hand. Here I post about what video game playthroughs I am currently doing and which ones I'm thinking about doing in the future, my thoughts on games I've played and gaming news, and maybe just what's been up with me lately.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Monster Hunter 3 (Tri) Playthrough ??? - Remember...

Posted by Gamree the Green Mage

     I believe every journey - through a new game, in real life, in your imagination - every single one is, in a way, a story, and it is through those journeys that we learn, we understand, and we grow. The places we see, the people we meet, the things we do, the events that happen, they all come together to build you up or break you down, and in the end, you come out a different person, whether you know it or not. We are each shaped and formed from our own experiences, the paths we attempt to traverse, the journey that our lives take. We leave our mark in the world in the subtlest of ways, and we remember the people whose lives we've touched, or have been touched by. Without the journey, you will never reach your destination, but without a destination, you never know where the next journey will take you. Why am I being so dramatic? Partly because it is true, partly because I don't get the chance very often to stroke my ego, so what better way to do that than make an entire epic video about me? =P

a.k.a epic-video-of-teh-awesomeness-that-we-went-through-to get-here-and-now-I-get-to-overhype-shtuff.

     Although made in about three days, a lot of time went into this, and I mean A LOT. Obviously, I would normally put a ton more time and effort into its creation until it got the Gamree Stamp of Approval, but I just found out recently that I'm under a time limit here if I want to do the things I need and want to do within the next week. As such, there are still several minor bumps and hiccups in the video, mostly in the audio section (couldn't cut out all of the background music), but for a first attempt, I think it's not too bad if I say so myself. Of course, it would have come out a lot better and smoother if I were working with the actual raw footage I used for my past videos, but since I delete those files as I finish each set of videos, all I had to work with was the already rendered video files. Unfortunately, a ton of footage got dropped due to Youtube's 'effin 11 minute limit (Toluca was going to get a section all to himself), so I hit some of the main parts while keeping the video trudging forward with that Gamree flair. Maybe I will return back to this video in the future and make it everything I imagined it would be, and upload it to a site that doesn't have such time restrictions... but definitely not any time soon. But I digress; I just have incredibly high standards when it comes to some things. Anyway, this was my journey through the game. Hopefully it makes you reflect on your own journey through the game for those of you who played it, and I hope you have had as many great memories and experiences (and utter pwnages) as I did. For everyone else, I just hope you had fun in watching me with my own experiences so far in the game.

     Anyway, enough with the thick, gooey, cheesy stuff (Mmm... cheese...). We have a Ceadeus to pwn!!1! (hopefully)


ColeNelson said...

That was beutiful :,)
I actually cried deep down inside(i dont cry)
I cant wait for the battle against the ceadeus, do you have an estemate on when your going to fight it?, Keep up the videos.


How do you get your blue kelbi horns?

Magicklorelai said...

That was a lovely, well-put-together video, Gamree. You've earned a lot of cool points with this alone. :)

ColeNelson said...

I agree that you shouldnt have broken off his horn the ceadeus's horn with the dragonator but ohwell, at least you took off his horn! Is the ceadeus actually hard or is it just timing of the dragonator, aiming with the balistas, and ocasionally hacking at him with the weapon?
and PLEASE TELL ME, WERE THE HECK DO YOU GET YOUR BLUE KELBI HORNS FROM PAST EPISODES!!!!, I use GS,SA,& the Bowguns and i need some of the kelbi horns to upgrade my GS.
Keep up the videos!

What game are you thinking about doing next? (hopefully nothing scary, i get scared easily <.<,)

Gamree the Green Mage said...

@ColeNelson The first time you tackle Ceadeus as part of the main quest, he seems pretty easy. However, afterward, once you unlock the quest to battle him again, he becomes much stronger, with his health getting a massive boost. From what I've heard, most people fail that mission simply due to running out of time. Anyway, Blue Kelbi Horns can be obtained from a Kelbi in Moga Woods who is larger than the rest. He isn't too hard to spot, as his horns are larger and more noticeable, and it will often attempt to attack you if you get too close to it or its herd. There's a small chance that you can carve a Blue Kelbi Horn off of him when you kill him, but the chance of receiving one increases if you simply knock him out and try carving it off of him instead.

As for your other two questions concerning after the MH3 playthrough, I am keeping my plans under wraps for the time being, but an update video talking about this and more will be uploaded sometime after I finish up the playthrough. I have some new ideas I want to try out, and there's quite a few changes I wish to incorporate in how I do things.

ColeNelson said...

thanks for answering my Q's and sorry there were so many of them (or at least they needed a big explanation).
Keep up the vids and dont forget to have fun now and then!

ColeNelson said...

I love your monster hunter playthrough(even if it might be over) but i was curious(although i think i already know the answer) what is the hidden tower for? is it were you put all your private videos? or is it simply to drive people insane with curiosity? or purhaps it is simply just for a later date like it somewhat implies in its description thingy. in any case i am stil curious and would deeply apreciate it if you even just said i cant tell you, its just driving me up the wall wondering whats behind that door.

Gamree the Green Mage said...

@ColeNelson Mostly just there to drive people insane due to wonder and imaginative curiosity, lol. =P It's one of several "personal side projects" I've been toying around with, which may or may not come in the future. If I can get it up and it works well, you'll see what it is; if not, you may never know... >=D

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