Blog of the Green Mage

This Blog is kind of an extension to my Youtube Page, and they pretty much go hand-in-hand. Here I post about what video game playthroughs I am currently doing and which ones I'm thinking about doing in the future, my thoughts on games I've played and gaming news, and maybe just what's been up with me lately.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Amnesia: The Dark Descent Playthrough 30 - Hunter and Hunted

Posted by Gamree the Green Mage

Video Description
 Choir [kwahyuh r, crier]
1. a company of singers, especially an organized group employed in church service.
2. Architecture: the part of a church occupied by the singers of the choir.
3. A massive, creepy room, in which visibility is low due to a demented red fog. Overgrown by flora fed on the blood of the tortured, it is often home to poisonous fungi, a monster constantly on the prowl for something to brutally murder, and a sniveling crybaby with a lantern who wonders why he's still here and how he got himself into this predicament.


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